

Artist, Pony/Fur Focused, RPer, Gamer || Generally pretty chill ||
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# natg atg

I tried to draw my screenshot - still figuring out humanoids, woo I guess?

1 3

EQD NATG X Day 3 - Pony filled with rage / a pony about to lose it

3 33

EQD NATG Day 2 - Pony Springing to Life

..or in this case back to, I suppose.

4 36

EQD 2020 NATG 1 - Draw a Standing Pony

8 40

Ponyfest Doodlin.

1 4

Lyra and Bonbon in some sort of Jet Set Radio-thing.

2 3

might keep working on this to use it as an icon or something? playing with pens but feeling too tired of it to keep going at the moment.

0 2