

Photographer Art Photography All tweeted pictures are from the author unless otherwise specially indicated

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Just looking as time goes by
Irretrievably lost...

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Friday still along way to go !
Check again...
Art by Alexey Egorov

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Time to say Goodnight
We wander in the cities that know no stone
Among towers of thousands lights and find no love
We travel through forests of dead trees and find no peace
And in this sullen desert of the night we carry inside, we cry
But we are not alone...
Art by Atey Ghailan

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Ruan Jia concept artist from Sangyawang, China
Ethereal female characters almost elvish with extraordinary light radiating eyes
A slow motion nostalgic fantasy war game in Eden...

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Tentacle Tuesday !
Prepare your octopus salad with jest...
By English artist Simon Bisley b.1962

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An interesting and very personal interpretation of Alice in Wonderland by Russian born and US based artist Tanya Miller

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A routine Monday at the office
Art by Yaroslav Radeckiy

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Monday !
The warning signs you have seen before
And the errors you will repeat...
Art by Lenka Simeckova

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Monday's Sound Advice
Don't get involved in office politics
Art by Antonio Caparo

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Time to say Goodnight...
Cities never sleep they wrap themselves in the smoke and dust of their own dejections
While we tuck ourselves in our silky beds, kiss goodnights and wish sweet dreams
The world is locked into another world and in the narrow space between wander the mares

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