

Podcasts: @IWGBRP, @BacktoEarthPod, @Huntingmonsters, @MarsCorpBase, @HelloHumansRecs, @TheInfiniteBad, @BeckettStation, @VisitFortuna, @BunkerPodcast

フォロー数:313 フォロワー数:1497

Thanks to everyone who accompanied our little jaunt along the river last night! More like The Infinite BANTS are we right LOL join us again at 9pm GMT for an epic listen along of the final THREE episodes of The Tomb of Arensnuphis 🦁 >>>

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It is 1920, the year of Cornelia Cavendish’s 60th birthday. Having been reacquainted with her unlikely associates from Drakelow Hall, a thrilling expedition to the opening of a newly discovered Egyptian tomb awaits 😱

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Hello humans! Our podcast DOWN (#audiodrama about an expedition into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench) returns this Wednesday. Please stand by.

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Hello humans! We have reached the midpoint of our sci-fi Down! There will now be a short break before we dive back into the abyss. Please stand by.

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Down is a 24-part about an expedition into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench

Art by Eric Chow >

Music by Jonathan Day >

Follow for news/really bad jokes

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PAX FORTUNA is an adventure-comedy roleplaying podcast set in the merchant republic of Fortuna. Season 1 (6 adventures, 26 episodes) has just come to an end! We’re very proud of our little fantasy show and we hope you check it out >

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Down is a 2020 series about an expedition into a newly-discovered Antarctic trench. The company-backed research submarine Virgil is elegant, state-of-the-art, and capable of withstanding enormous pressures. The same cannot be said for her crew.

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We made THREE xmas episodes of ! Professional biscuit/mince pie eaters The Davids were haunted by 3 spirits: The Ghost of Christmas Past The Ghost of Christmas Present & Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

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