

on hiatus

フォロー数:474 フォロワー数:15257

Hey baka! it’s me killua. i’m stranded in york new city and need $1,000 to get back to gon. i need your help fast so send me a pic of the front and back of your credit card. arigato~!😸

229 1464

see everyone it’s true! and here is my mugshot for further proof

2 61

hxh fun fact: meruem’s character was actually partially inspired by mewtwo

35 587

i love how that when killua is on screen 9 times out of 10 he’s doing this pose

74 503

90% of my tweets

12 228

this is literally ging and gon like this is the plot of hxh

161 1026

this is so funny y’all come look at this i can’t stop laughing…kurapika literally brought a shovel to his fight omfg why don’t we talk about this enough has anyone else seen this?

87 711