

pixels | dont edit/use my stuff please | not available for work
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フォロー数:3182 フォロワー数:81141

zelda II inspired fan art made for fun/personal enjoyment!

2295 16413

WHOA the GAMEBOY COLOR cant run THIS mario game !!

2416 25276

kirby rpg ⭐️

4561 27151

quick link sketch to see if i can still draw

65 602

assortment of mock up reposts

750 4900

harvest moon cuties

209 2157

more fun with CRTview. Reworked my celia portrait to take advantage of the fun extra rendering stuff that just doesn't quite look nice in high def

274 2429

more witch WIPs
spooky season fast approaching !!!

114 1332

spiiiiin (wip)

44 712