

フォロー数:80 フォロワー数:315

he worked so hard on it my baby ☹️💔 he deserves to be proud of it it's so beautiful

2 5

these panels just make me think.. equally matched in every way still 💗

2 10

dadxian.. i'll cry

107 545

emotional support yunmeng shuangjie are back suddenly everything is okay again

1 4

please look at these youfei posters of our favorite (het) fated pair.....they complement each other so beautifully. imo the colors really suit them as well—xie yun's calmer, laid back nature and how settled he's become with the flow of fate vs zhou fei's fiery, passionate and

25 90

ah yes ! family <3

139 439

obsessed with this particular brand of chibi manhua lwj

132 452

when you read mdzs you have some sort of visual in your mind about how tense and terrifying this scene is what with lwj saving wwx from being eaten by the xuanwu and then wwx saving lwj from being eaten by the xuanwu and them running away but then mdzs manhua goes and does this

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