

종ㄹㅕ른 / all🔶 / 🔶右 / abusing zhong is my life

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:889

My genshin account has been hacked, so please be careful who joined in your world and tell you if you want to play in their account. [thread]

74 480

Rich hydro boys and their shield partners shopping

13 48

- Tonight, you will belong to me.
- Good boy should go to bed, Childe.


3 1

연성모음 타래 (종려른)
My drawings threads (All * Zhong)
投稿スレッド (鍾離受)

what I draw mainly: 💧🔶, 🔶🔸, 👹🔶, etc...

42 196

💧🔶 바니걸 종려와 적폐 탈종

34 250

Lantern rite (*photo tracing)

3 14