

21 yrs old | self-taught artist and animator | dragon and angel fanatic

フォロー数:48 フォロワー数:105

♦️Great Izuchi♦️

First fanart done! 3 hour painting of the first monster! Can’t wait for Rise to come out 👀

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Finished rendered pic! Art trade with coffeebdraws on Instagram!

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I really wanna repaint one of my older drawings from this year but I can't decide between those :'O help pls?

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A little Christmas pic I did for my girlfriend! Posting it a bit late tho, pfff

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2 versions of that character I painted! Ignis the Koyfuura, species belongs to a friend of mine 👀

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Some lineart of that pic I’m working on :’0 ack I’m so tired

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What's more painful? Painting or animating? X"D ahhh I never get anything done

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