

Hey guys:P Here are nothing but shitworks done by @hylogon. Bondage lover / Male Furries/Homosexual . pixiv.net/member.php?id=

フォロー数:815 フォロワー数:19359

What to get DAD for coming Father's Day?

533 2263

My apologies. The Horkeukamui did not prepare anything for you ( but my body ///).

423 1835

Leave me alone ! How dare you? I will kill you, I swear it! I will kill you until you're dead!

410 2066

Humm... Who wants a hug? Working on a new project, one of four.

351 1935



Hell yea! Love tentacles!

225 1181

The final versions will be released during the event, Fancy Frontier 33 Taiwan, as the free postcards gift with the Doujin^^

306 1666

My new Doujinshi is coming. There will be a wonderful adventure in south tropical sea for big cats :p

96 510