

👦🏻 Father 💻 🖱Owner of @PlayMythicalMC & coming soon project @SnapBeasts 🎮 @Twitch Partner 💜 Love @frs_b13

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Imagine a system so easy

That you just ask for the villager you want and you just....get it

With no costs

It’s almost ready

58 722

Thanks for another great stream as usual. Y’all are the best

3 81

Just slept for 10+ hours for the first time in forever. FeelsGladMan

0 93

Emotes are finally uploaded to the Twitch channel

Should be live again tomorrow around 2pm CST. Tonight was a good night off

Shout out to on the amazing emotes 💜

16 183

Amazing stream today! Thank you all for being there and being so chill 💜

Was also gonna tweet out a thank you for 8000+ followers but now we’ve surpassed 9000+

The last 24 hours have been insane. Can’t thank you enough!

Announcements tonight/tomorrow (Whenever I get sleep)

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I woke up to over 1K+ messages, over 2K+ new follows, and I don’t even know what to say other than thanks for the support

I’ve been thinking of ways that I can help out a lot of people with villagers in & more so stay tuned for more info later today

Stream at 12pm CST

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G night Twitter fam

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Live in an hour or less with some more Hardcore Sub Server ☠️

We are innovating the way you interact with a stream and play on a Minecraft sub server

Redeem rewards in stream with your Minecraft IGN and automatically receive them in our server instantly

Come see it in action

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Going live with some more Animal Crossing @ https://t.co/VHPkXFi1gD


New emotes added to the Discord later today

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