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彼は生きている、リヴァイ...😒 - And what about shitty beast bastard? - He's alive... Whatever happens in manga, in my world Levi will kick that pathetic monkey's ass again and keep his promise to Erwin. #リヴァイ #levi
眠い朝💤💕 Don't tell me you haven't slept at all, because you've been watching me all night! #エルリ #erwinsmith #levi
何?居心地の良いセーター... 😒💕 What? It's comfortable... Since that famous birthday😏 Levi became the fan of sweaters.😆 #リヴァイ #levi
景色を楽しみながら💕✨ Enjoying the view. #エルリ #エルヴィン・スミス #erwinsmith
悔いなき選択。✨ A Choice With No Regrets. #リヴァイ #進撃の巨人 #levi
んー... 😏 Hmm... #ハンジ・ゾエ #進撃の巨人 #hangezoe #snk #attackontitan