

Silly Birb | Artist | Gremlin Warmaster |
28 | Comms Closed |

@aleximin112 💕

フォロー数:430 フォロワー数:2149

It's been a long time since I've drawn my PMD-E team, Flying Shock, but why not now in celebration? Crazy how it's been 10 years already and kind of ironic for me that it's this year. Happy Anniversary!

8 31

A more mature looking version of myself, done in a bought of detailing and highlighting practice. Made some slight changes to the design, mostly color. Red Panda fun fun fun

4 13

Rene the Meowstic, the ever ambitious leader of the Trade Guild, an NPC in PMD-Outlaws

7 15

More bird practice, this time with a House Sparrow

5 13

Bird character practice with office working bird

4 11

Spiral Knights has very cute Gremlins and I adore drawing them. Have an Enderlight scavenger, she loves finding random junk to sell.

10 24

Kara the sneasel, causing trouble because they're a little brat- at least, this version of them is.

9 26

Kalina, leader of the Emerald Enforcers in PMD-Outlaws

9 34

Something experimental, drew up my OC Yuri in her two canon forms, as a Red Panda and as a Bat. 2 bodies, same spirit

4 11

Icon commission for 's kobold self

5 15