

Avi cred: @stormowl0. 32. Writer. Musician. Saori Hayami enjoyer. PassCode. Not spoiler free. Naysayer Godslayer, Magick Obeyer 🌌 Priv: @afvrhousepacifc

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My semi-monthly playlist project for this year is coming to an end

I themed them all off of the Island Sequences from Paradise Killer and have had a lot of fun challenging myself to put together fresh music with the best possible transitions

I wonder how I'll theme it next year

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Behold, The Sentinels of the Seventh World in my big story universe

Left to right: The Phantom Vera, Isaac the Spectre, and Mirielle of the Reverie

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I'm tryna see the whole femritter squad throw down with Ichigo

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