birdnard | BIRDNARDZ 10Kさんのプロフィール画像

birdnard | BIRDNARDZ 10Kさんのイラストまとめ

ii am mETAbiRD sit on my beak.' ALL nARDZ AVAILaBLE nOW 0.0096 eth -…

フォロー数:3124 フォロワー数:1183

iTS *OVeR 9000!!: 😱😱 me Likey ^the aNimes .
>1 oF only 2 sPecial nardz reMaining ✨ 0.0096 eTH

2 5

mY next adVice>/💞💞when cUddlin ur boo; on vaLentines day a'lways be[prePared to say (adios de *la bYEbye to your>arm 👋👋

2 8

gM chicle'ts
today ii aM ~very excitement for it>is tHe most sExy day(of the year 💙
happy;vaLentino day !. 💞 ii will;be posting mY favourite[romantic advEntures throughout>the day/. prepare your,bOdies

1 7

tHank*u so muCh~everyone who.bought a nArd so far💙 ii cannot expreSS'my warm feelings .
to sAy thank and celEbrate mint; >ii will be GIVING AWAy wHAT a Ccool bird .!
to enter; LIKE , RT and' TAG A PAL>
wiNNer announced*a weEk today 🐦

14 23

heres’aa Few more>specials’ miinted this \morn ..
we are nOw+past the 1K .mark 🎉
rememberr tO join,the disc ]for full dEtails of ‘special nards

1 8

ThaNK to im-ngmi for beinng thE firST owNEr of a NARD!! COngrats on owning ETH spECial NArd. if yoU follow plS get in TOuch !"

FirsT 200 mINTED todaY// More to COMe quICKer this week!

1 13

gm~wake,n baKe
heres a spEcial nard)
ther;e are 69 of them n they enter u into mErch giveaway pL{us frEe babynard; later on
jOIN where i will drop=a secret numbered list so u knOw ;where to grab ur special nArd on the;drop

2 7

gm fAm 🌅 hee ;was the Skater- boy'she say. see you later]theboy

1 10