

|| Slots filled: (0 / 0) ||
| does funny drawperson things |
| draws in squares |
| a squid @iamblz_sqd |

フォロー数:146 フォロワー数:5590

(guess I kinda got peer pressured by a friend to throw something up here- so here I am)
hi, it be me, blaze; part-time artist, full-time dumbass extraordinaire
still working on my skills as I go, but dropping in with a few of my more polished, recent-ish works

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Blazédex entry (Pokédex - Carbink

It has slept underground for hundreds of millions of years since its birth. It's occasionally found during the excavation of caves.

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procrastinating on actual work so what do? revive an old oc, that's what do-

artur was originally part of the "main oc" trio- along with nei'el and lang- but I guess he got phased out as time went on >.>
but bringing him back now with a little reworking as well

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"I should try and see if I can figure out a way to make my doodles passable while not going too far"
-I said, boldly assuming that this wouldn't go the same way as most doodles I decide to 'go a little further with'

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it be wolfgang birthday, had to do a thing because obviously ///

(I don't know what it says about me that I care a lot more about a cartoon wolf's birthday than irl ones- probably volumes.)

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practise doodling gone out of control, so just about the usual fare-
"just a little doodling, it'll be quick"
-famous last words of some idiot

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just learned of the date for this recently, so now I'm celebrating hoenn's 6th & 18th anniversaries the only way I know how

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saw this floating around- so heck it, why not

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