

Creative + Technical Direction ✨ Artist @wonderwispisles ✨

フォロー数:1109 フォロワー数:6303

It is time! Just claimed my mutant!!

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so glad you found work I own pieces from several of his collections and have become friends with him

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Picked up a piece from a collection I have been eyeing for a little bit these hand drawn 1/1s piece are breath taking can't wait to add a couple more of these to my collection

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Just minted my and wow the art is so beautiful did amazing!

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Today is a good day, ever since I joined I wanted to create my own fusion today I received my Mutant, I will post the originals below that were used in the fusion my para tribe grows stronger

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Last night I stumbled on art, I love that feeling of finding an artist at the start of their journey in the NFT space. Do yourself a favor and check out this amazing artist with some very affordable pieces

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Thanks for sharing this just grabbed one these are so beautiful

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