Ian Rust (absolute pinnacle of true masculinity)さんのプロフィール画像

Ian Rust (absolute pinnacle of true masculinity)さんのイラストまとめ

I am a tattoo artist. You want me to tattoo you.


Inventor of the underrated term 'neongenetic ultranationalism'.

フォロー数:1427 フォロワー数:404

Pickin' cherries!

You should have cut out that "and" at the beginning of the clip. It makes it pretty easy to tell you're posting a follow up question divorced from its context.

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5️⃣ Now look at my shitty comic!

It's not very good, but I'm really happy with how Trump ended up looking.

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What? Wait a minute...waaaaaait a minnit! That thing had BETTER not have variable geometry.

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*sidenote* People always bring up Beta Ray Bill's hammer because it's Stormbreaker, but the design is actually based on Ultimate Marvel's Mjolnir. I never quite get why they put more weight on the name than the design.

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He's just focusing all of his warrior's chi into his ears for maximum absorption of information. It's very "Crouching Tiger", you're 1000 years too early to comprehend The Ross and his magnificence.

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This is the Trump paradox. He can't really get a higher approval with his base, and he can't raise his % anywhere ELSE without risking his base approval for what would be a negligible return.

Unless we go to WAR, of course. How's Iran doing these days?

Boy's got no long game.

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