

18tripper👾💐 and ibajunmako truther🐍🌊🎮 ☆ ic+m/w: @Starw4rdsky :3 ☆ 💚 @summerbirdpoem 💜 ☆ priv: @DIAM0NDSUMMER (mutuals can req!)

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:861

almost got the whole class a detention because they wouldn't stop meowing

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students used to strangle each other with ties so often that they had to be replaced with clip-on ones

10 39

got kicked out of class for crying at a dog dying in an educational pompeii video

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a fight started outside the school and one of the guys just straight up sat on the other dude????? the poor guy who got sat on was so small too

6 26

used to bring snacks to every class. if you heard a bag rustling, you just knew. you knew it was him

3 27

got accused for being gay for his entire school experience. it actually ended up being true

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someone fell asleep during during the exams and a bunch of people around them threw erasers at them until they woke up. erasers were banned in the exam hall for a while after that

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pretended to get possessed whilst praying in religious studies to scare the person next to them

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got a 10 minute long detention for being late. they cried for the entire duration of the detention

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during a performance two guys who were playing police officers named themselves "p.c. streaky" and "p.c. bacon" and thought it was the funniest thing ever

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