IceHorologium 🧊🐍 (semi-hiatus)さんのプロフィール画像

IceHorologium 🧊🐍 (semi-hiatus)さんのイラストまとめ

20+ || Just a fanartist || focus on IDV|⌛⛓️📮🎻| Omnivore||
🚫 Crop logo/repost without my permission.
Call me Ice.

Header by @digging4tubers

フォロー数:532 フォロワー数:2365

RKGK - Him and His demon

⚠️cosplaying as characters from different fandoms, personal interpretation of ship dynamics

Based on my personal headcanon, so please don't misuse and misinterpret my work.

9 52

Merry Christmas 🎄🍻 also Happy Birthday Victor📮🎉🎂!

((Reupload from Christmas Illustration contest))

44 265

Server : Asia
ID : 29164255

Goodluck everyone!! Christmas is coming!! 🥳🎄

49 238

FINALLYY 🎉 I had so much fun, trying my fav artists style!! ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶ Sorry they still influence with my style JSBSHAVSIAA ( ´•̥ω•̥` )

14 69

墓囚墓 - Finally got match

((Now we can walk in Room instead Lobby while waiting match... what chould be wrong?))
((It's okay, Memory got saved by Victor, it's a draw match))

36 328