

“I’m always thankful for not earning things so easily” -Yoongi (Cypher part 4 -BTS) | OT7 | BTS! BTS!!

フォロー数:4051 フォロワー数:14027

Comment below your wishlist! What do you want for Christmas this year? What is something you’ve been wishing for?

10 134

🍬RGTS VOTE! 🍬 RT for shiny Lurantis or Fav for shiny Togedemaru!

99 156

Tick tock...! Can't the clock go any faster? 68 days down to go before sun and moon is out! Meanwhile in Alola...

80 147

✨It's the Shiny Eeveelution crew!✨

31 51

RT if you want a Pokemom game that includes all the regions! ♥️

65 48

In the upcoming RGTS who do you guys want me to reverse? RT for Dragonite or Fav for Flygon! Comment a item u want!!

33 80

Which shiny do you guys want? RT for shiny Arcanine or Fav for shiny Ninetales!!!

56 107

Wooper Wooper Wooper~

37 75