

I draw just to express myself, so whether AI draws better than me or not, doesn't matter. ( ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠) Bad English Alert.

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:1213

*She is not stepping on her hair.

266 2192

_(:_」∠)_ Eat a lot of cakes, gain a lot of weight...

13 180

I need a statue of our God.......

14 104

So I hear somebody discussing ぼたん鍋...........

89 1068

Looks like we have a new ingredient for Christmas...

12 94

Merry Christmas! (What)

11 89

Practice make perfect_(:_」∠)_
This is today practice

4 37