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mw Ichi dong kak, ekspresinya gini (>▽< )

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iyh Ichi umur 20 pake anting dan tindikan https://t.co/5hoSiQQgRe

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BOLEHHHH!! tp ak jarang buat konten sama dia sii, baru aja rujuk soalnya T_______T kalau mau liat kontennya cek aja di hastag itu tempat ak archieve konten mereka :D
atau mau tanya langsung aja sini (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)

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「 i like you 」
⚡🌊 • 🐙☕

"im lost, but you always bring me back to you."

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⚡"... dia mimpi apa kok sampe senyum2 sendiri.."
🌊"hehehe nasgor topping oreo vanilla hehe... hehehe..."

gada konten malming, cpnya lagi sibuk kelon 🙏🏻

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otsukaree Kyochwan! you did a great job today‼️🎉 so proud of you (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ /huggu/

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// YoshiLea 🐙☕

the artist the arts https://t.co/GvO07slHpe

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// RaiChi ⚡🌊

the artist the art https://t.co/GvO07slHpe

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ft. their yumechild Ray🌌 and iChika🌟

🌌Chika! liat Kakak nemu meme lucu bgt wkwkwk!!
🌟onii-san... istg kalau videonya gak lucu aku tusuk pipi Kakak pake ini tusuk sate ku

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