


フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:86

Yoosung wearing a dog suit.
In fact I wanna draw him wearing a rain coat at first.....lol
Kyoto rains all day T_T

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today's outfit
just for practicing, to lazy to draw again, so just bare with me the bad lining and coloring.... lol

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god so cute!!!
let me hug u <3 <3 <3 don't cry babe

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is Cheritz plan to sell drawing software such as SAI or ClipStudio?

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once saw an artist draw pikachu Yoosung
so i wanna try it too lol
(i won't tell u which pokemon I think V is lol)

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pika????[how about some apple?]

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i hope lottery's vet is as handsome/cute as yoosung 。w。

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working on another gif
but i'm too tired and exhausted i have no brain "storage" to do that lol
probably finish it tomorrow i guessssss

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