I-Chu wiki ✨さんのプロフィール画像

I-Chu wiki ✨さんのイラストまとめ

We translate all updates for the I-Chu Project. Questions are always welcome!

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:2962

Happy 2nd anniversary, Aichuu! Thank you for all the memories ♪

120 101

Happy birthday, Tatsumi!

39 39

Akio's Paracelsus mo ai wo shiru GR has been revealed! Enjoy an Akio with a different atmosphere from usual ♪

31 34

Akio's bingo event, Paracelsus mo ai wo shiru, will start on 6/21 16:00 JST! Akio accepts a new job...?

68 45

The last part of the Kindergarten scout will start on 6/18 00:00 JST! It will feature all the cards of this set ♪

13 15

The second part of the Kindergarten Scout will start on 6/14! The scout features Tsubaki, Torahiko and Momosuke!

13 12

The Kindergarten Scout, featuring Toya, Lucas and Raku, will start on 6/10 00:00 JST ♪

17 19

The June birthday Scout will open on 6/1! It features cards of Eva, Tatsumi and Kumakocho ♪

7 15

The Warlock Step-up scout will start on 5/25 00:00 JST, featuring the Warlock shuffle unit in a strange theme ♪

28 26

Kojima Kiichi drew an illustration to celebrate Saku's birthday!

75 56