

フォロー数:1347 フォロワー数:3902

In the summer, I was caught in an endless winter exile. It's like somewhere inside me, the sun is in an eternal eclipse and the moon and moon are embracing, getting darker. I offended my forever blooming heart, my inner child.

19 57

It's like I have malaria,I'm like a seriously ill patient who will not see the morning and will take his last breath. You know what it's like when everything I believe in has lost its meaning?

33 60

Oh, when I fit the world's pain and trouble in my tiny heart, I couldn't fit myself and my heart into the world. I am in a hurry to escape. I'm waiting for my ticket in my hands. When I look back inside, no one knows how hard it is to have to experience everything that

15 38

"It is difficult for a person to understand what he has not experienced" It is not what they say that wears people out, but what they put into their heart and buried in their heart.!

23 49

Now I have to raise this girl. I have to teach life again. Or should I give up on everything. Nevertheless, greetings to those good days that I expect to come of course.

27 63

Why are you walking with your eyes closed? I memorized all the paths. But you can fall! I also memorized all the falls. Dancing in the Dark.

46 127

My heart is in pieces. We have a new year ahead and it is said that there are new hopes. Do those hopes exist for this world and humanity?

73 175

My soul, my eyes, this soul and my skin trembled from the fire of unbearable pain. I got burned so much that the fire I burned still burns inside me, it still hurts me more. Yes, I'm cooked, I'm burned, but I'm not yet.

5 20

In the quartet of human, universe, time and life, the basis of my sighs' pain is actually the battle of these four facts with each other...

55 109

The more he gets to know himself, the more he realizes. In other words, people know the universe with the phenomenon of life over time. He understood the good and the bad as long as it hurt.

30 73