

A magazine and creative studio exploring contemporary aesthetics from a different perspective.

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# art

In her series titled ‘Family matter’, Agnieszka Chabros captures habitual moments within the domestic sphere https://t.co/6ApNqhnUYO

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Reisha Perlmutter creates paintings basen on how we “relate to our bodies on an uninhibited, biological level” https://t.co/xRpQK2OqHK

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Milan-based artist Dario Maglionico creates oil paintings that depict fragmented, illusory visions of reality https://t.co/JR0zpevSX7

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Toronto-based photographer Mark Sommerfeld predominantly works on autobiographical projects, documenting his life https://t.co/d16XThBUAD

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Rana Young explores themes of intimacy, voyeurism and the space between performative self and the expected self https://t.co/fs1r3EbbNt

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Claire Droppert focuses and combines both simplicity and minimalism to achieve a serene style https://t.co/cq7yhoPyfr

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Brazilian visual artist Ritchelly Oliveira creates images that depict emotive studies of usually male figures https://t.co/M7Fzj37pfG

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Photographer Martin Bruno loves to travel the world, capturing nearly everything that appears interesting to him https://t.co/AogIpzgyp7

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Over the course of 15 years, Dutch photographer Jouk Oosterhof captured portraits of her neighbor and muse, André https://t.co/EyOJ318dR1

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Street photographer Deanna Templeton has photographed a collection of summer skinny-dippers in her backyard pool https://t.co/tFN9AZMfAr

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