

Postmaster of Simple post office. The views I express on Twitter are personal and irrelevant to any company or organization.

フォロー数:1303 フォロワー数:747


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About tweet every morning. My morning tweet includes events based on the history of the day. It is because I think that there are many things to learn from history, I think that some people are negative and uncomfortable from the morning, but please do not hesitate to read them.

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Dinner last night. Drink 1 can of 3rd beer. (Illustration is an image)

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Dinner last night. Fried chicken is a side dish of a supermarket. I drank one 500 ml can of the 3rd beer. (Illustration is an image)

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Last night's dinner. Both are made by my mother. The hamburger is almost like chicken Tsukune. I drank one 500ml can of 3rd beer. (Illustration is an image)

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Last night's dinner. I drank one 500ml can of 3rd beer. (Illustration is an image)

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Knowing justice as a person and not doing it is the same as lacking courage.

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