I❤️Domains - Building Bridges in Web3 Digital IDさんのプロフィール画像

I❤️Domains - Building Bridges in Web3 Digital IDさんのイラストまとめ

Web3 ID/Domain Investing & Business Development • Host of TECH Talk techtalk.host & Cohost of Whale Talk w/@freenameio • 🔗: link3.to/defiwallet

フォロー数:1840 フォロワー数:12710

Let’s sweep 🧹 some Bulls 🐂

10% of all revenue will be used to sweep this OG floor and raffle to minters 🙌

Every minted = 1 entry 🔥

11/25 https://t.co/IRBZsL1y87 https://t.co/9S7JYmSmQG

13 24