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220816 Kibum Instagram Profile Picture update ❤️

69 145

Gasoline is composed by KENZIE with lyrics written by Kibum himself. Lyrics expresses his overwhelming confidence and aspiration as he compares the side of him that goes forward on his own path without hesitation to the explosive burning power of Gasoline⛽️

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210808 Taemin Instagram Update



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Odd vibes ⚓️

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Shawols Jjakgongs who have streamed, trended, showed your support in any way for Taemin today, thank you so much for making Taemin’s day a good one. May you guys, wherever you are right now, have a good morning, good afternoon good evening and finally good night ♥

123 362

i am getting this very strong joker card vibe from Taemin’s image.... and i don’t know why.... he is taking on a joker persona? Like he is a secret card or something 🔎

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