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It’s Tuesday so you know that means more VOP appearing on your Tweeting screens My Space Fiends. It’s Blood and Space Zombies today 🤗 Here are panels 15-19 I hope you have enjoyed the ride so far and come back on Friday for more.
It’s Friday, so more VOP will drop. Panel 12-14 today for your delectation. Have a swell weekend folks and I’ll see you back here next Tuesday for more VOP arriving just for: you know who 👊🏼
It’s that time of the week again 😱 So for all of you Space Fiends out there, here is part Two of VOP - panels 8 through 11.
If you missed last weeks post why not catch up at https://t.co/ZFsW0UDp5G
See you here on Friday for more adventures with Rosalind the Space Girl.
It’s Friday, so you know that means more VOP to drop. Panel 6&7 for your enjoyment. Have a super bank holiday weekend everyone and see you on Tuesday for more VOP panels arriving just for you.
Here are the first 4 panels of VOP the very best comic book released in our post-apocalyptic era. It stars Rosalind ‘The Space Girl’ and her adventures onboard the Ouroboros. Panels will drop each and every Tuesday and Friday for the 11 weeks. So I’ll see you Friday Space Fiends.
A couple of images from a project I’ll be working on for the next couple of months VOP. Hope you like 👊🏼
Intense dude: sketched with red pencil rough black inks and the weak watercolours.