

フォロー数:1521 フォロワー数:682


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Well anyways, osamake has finished airing, as expected people didn’t like it, but at least the osamake fanbase is not 2 anymore we at least 6 now 💀. Anyways,what I enjoy about the series is the diverse characters in it, so hope we get a S2 some day!

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y’all a bunch of pussies

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I think she’s enjoying it 😳 y’all should try it

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💀 I kinda don’t wanna explain

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I got a video recommended called hot trinity seven moments and I binged the show in a day 💀

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Y’all seriously sleeping on the osamake girls they’re all top tier 😌

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Why monogatari is a top tier series

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Well weebs sorry for being inactive this weekend, had to take care of some problems with my passport so take this meme as apology. ✨

Also drink water 💦

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