

@ikayuro.bsky.social !

⚜️ M | 30+ | Digital Artist ⚜️

🤎Icon by the lovely @Auliander🤎

フォロー数:340 フォロワー数:171

The last attack of the year from me, featuring 's gorgeous Lhei Ahm~ Murderwiiiiiiiife. 💛💛💛

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This is probably my best piece for this year! I love seeing where I start at the beginning of the month, and end up. There's so much work crammed into such a small amount of time, and the improvement is always vast!

Here's Sphynx for <3

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A revenge on for their lovely Vetehi, Aebgreine! I adore her colours so much. <33 Thank you again for the amazing art!

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4. Favourite OC - another really tough one! I have a lot of characters whose designs I really adore. I think for this one I'll go with Siunattu; a gorgeous design by that I hold so very dear!


Art from https://t.co/U6f1YXxDhx !

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3. Favourite OC - oh man, this one is really difficult. I think I'll have to go with Kalinst for this one, to none of my friend's surprise! He's my most developed OC to date, and still going!


Art by the lovely !

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(Wow I didn't number the last one, I'm bad at this!)

2. My newest OC is a OC, Virgo Encarna! It's been so long since I've designed a character from scratch, and I absolutely adore him. <3


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This wasn't a character I originally had bookmarked, but they were so gorgeous I had to try! Not to mention, I got called out for too many 3/4s portraits, so here's something different!~

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I'll never stop being proud of this one, honestly!

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Another revenge, this time on a gorgeous DnD character!

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We may have slowed down, but we're still going! Attack for a gorgeous Dragon Spirit named Bai Yi Lan!

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