

Dutch 🧀 artist, animator and nerd. I will retweet art, game stuff and memes.
Opinions are my own and often stinky

フォロー数:627 フォロワー数:670

An idea came to me today so had to doodle it out real quick. I'd imagine André is probably in the head and there's a bunch of other hoodlums in the bodyparts.

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Oh jeez oh boy oh lord a tag uhhhhhh
Boy I should do more art sometime soon. Havn't done any big things in a while.

Let's tag some cool people here let's see....


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also did a bunch of alternate versions with Ace flag colours!

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Did a bunch of illustrations of Nite the Owl from the Sonic IDW comics for 's yt channel. Be sure to check him out if you have time!!

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I see we're posting our Ly fanart today. Here's my beautiful contribution.

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