

An aspiring artist, forever grinding away. ※お仕事の依頼など、随時募集しております。

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Longest time no see. Been back on the grind since a few weeks back so figured it was about time to post something. I love how bandai namco are treating us fans. Much love to the whole tekken crew.

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sketch. I've been playing through 1-4 (& the remake) in order the last few weeks. Dmc is one of those series that have always been on my radar but that I had never touched. Good games, still hold up. Next up is

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Mewtwo colour study, used official art as pose reference.

10 31

お久しぶりです。Long time no see. Life has been all sorts of hectic lately but I'm still chugging on. This is a painting that grew organically out of a sketch I did this morning.

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レオ2. Went for the opposite extreme this week.   

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Quick experimental painting of sakura from trying to go for the opposite look of what I did last week (miminal amount of brushes, much bigger minimum brush size etc).

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Base sketch: https://t.co/bkEVPuhVRn + https://t.co/d9rQNVcxIp. Somehow ended up with this.

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