

C.H.I.M.P.S metagame analyst.
日本語 OK。Making it to FOX summer.

フォロー数:3017 フォロワー数:44
# kof

That picture is of very poor quality

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The game was so bad that the final boss wasn't even worth the effort to beat. At least it was compelling enough to actually lead me to the end though!

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wish i wanted to play strive really holding out for melting blood

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Wondering what the focal point for this image is..

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Vegeta and sheen same

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Sakuyas cracked 100% so much that zun made her the fuckin high score screen. My point is this

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I tried ryan good bye but it will be worth it

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Are you really going to bully this obasan shes done nothing to nobody that didn't deserve it

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Maybe not always 😔

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