

Walk-in Soul Essence - Channeler of light codes - Energetic catalyst - Facilitator of Energy Portals and Grids - Multidimensional traveler

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FLIP THE SCRIPT IN YOUR LIFE. If you choose to make even one positive change to your daily routine, you are infusing the energy to alter your life for the better. You will begin to expunge the stagnancy of the energy within you, and eventually shift your outer reality.

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YOUR DIVINE ROLE AND MISSION IN THIS LIFETIME begins with self-love. It is vital that you come from a healthy, whole, and balanced state, before beginning to reach out to assist others on their journey. You can teach what you know, and this needs to be done by example.

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YOU CAN ONLY CREATE FROM THE FOCUS OF NOW. When you are distracted by past and painful memories, or by the potential of future chaos, you are out of balance with your point of power in the now. Meditation assists in aligning you with your focal point of balance and power.

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THAT EMPTINESS YOU FEEL INSIDE is your forgotten self. It leaves you feeling sad, lonely, and with a sense there is nowhere you belong. You have abandoned yourself, the one person who will always there for you. Self-love is the only thing that can heal this gaping wound. Be love.

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AS A 3D REALITY AVATAR, all that you believe exists is on a consciousness level. Each injury, trauma, and emotional issue exists because you believe it is so, and it is through consciousness that you must heal it. Clear your consciousness, and you reprogram and erase it.

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YOUR SOLAR PLEXUS MAY FEEL UNDER ATTACK. We're in the midst of transmuting the fear and anger of the masses as our world moves further into chaos for the sleeping ones. Focus love into your solar plexus area, then use your breath to release. Request the use of the violet flame.

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