

Lynne Triplett: Creator of comic series Engelbaum.
Prev- SEGA, Currently- sleepy.
Likes NiGHTS and coffee.
YouTube Live - Saturdays 10PM (GMT)

フォロー数:1333 フォロワー数:4877

My comic can be super serious and equally goofy as fuck 😂

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You'll get Gala and Unusti's bio's in the next chapter :)

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... though my favorite expression of her is probably from page 1 of chapter 2, lol

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Here's some Meio Dia 🎶

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my complicated babies

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*vibrates in anticipation of chapter 3* I can't wait to introduce Unusti and her Flow Taniguchi properly 😭 my oldest OC's *lol* 💕 The three of them are so badass unughhh
I'm nearly done writing the first draft of the script before I jump to the art next month!

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This page of my comic always makes me laugh. Artists are weird.

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OHHH oh oh!!! 🤣 So uh, I'm doing a bit of ruthless server tidying just now of things I've not looked at in decades. I just found... the second (RiP) NiD Oekaki board database of images that survived somehow. It contains such community gems as:

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I've been doing a lot of looking back through my old stuff recently. On days I feel like the worst introvert alive- I remind myself I once was in charge of the EGX show Sonic Generations booth, front of house for SEGA, and I rocked it. Blasted my comfort zones into dust.

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Pi doodle paint thing

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