

he/him \\ i draw stuff sometimes \\ arknights, FE, hololive 🌿👾☃️🌸🐏🥀 \\ pls credit if using my art as header, icon, thumbnail, etc.…

フォロー数:3247 フォロワー数:5589

smug ass bastard standin here like "you dont need to know how many votes your fave got. you only need to know i fuckin won"

4 39

testing out random chibi styles

8 62

i wanted to try doing the engaged outfits (this one was supposed to be panette in ike's) but uhhhh yeah

1 15

i definitely posted this one

1 13

pretty certain i posted this one before

0 14

fell xeno was a funny thang

1 12

this one was kinda funny lol

4 26

i drew a guy for once

0 9