Imogen Foxellさんのプロフィール画像

Imogen Foxellさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, writer, lexicographer, and classicist. on bluesky, Cara, instagram @imogenfoxell

フォロー数:542 フォロワー数:949

Retweeting some of my favourite word of the day pictures. Today pisculent "full of fish; that may be fished"

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Trump protest in London today (with my mum and others)

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Summer Eights (I was cycling home and didn't even realise it would be happening, but it was pretty exciting)

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The wonderful Three Pressed Men providing the instrumentals for OUP choir's folk-themed choir concert

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The young giant. A farmer has a son as tall as a thumb. One day the son is stolen by a giant who suckles (!) the child until he becomes a giant too. The giant child then returns to the world of men and causes chaos with his super-strength.

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The sea-hare. A princess uses her magic windows to challenge her suitors to a deadly game of hide-and-seek. A fox helps the hero to outwit her, by transforming him into a "sea-hare" and giving him to the unsuspecting princess.

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The wishing table, the gold-ass, and the cudgel in the sack. Three brothers acquire magical items. An evil landlord steaks the self-filling table and the gold-vomiting donkey, but isn't prepared for the cudgel.

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Eve's unequal children. God comes to visit Eve, so she shows him her prettiest children and hides her ugly ones - this is somehow the origin of social class division.

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The brave little tailor. Having successfully squashed some flies, the little tailor sets out to take on the world. Here he is defeating sone giants by tricking them into fighting each other.

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The old man made young again. Jesus and St Peter are visiting a smith and, just for fun, they use the forge to rejuvenate an old man. But when the smith attempts the same trick, things don't go so well.

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