

architect and more 👽مهندسة من بعد اخر 🦁 love to explore the unknown

フォロー数:931 フォロワー数:3897

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.
Oscar Wilde

1 28

نمط فني انتشر ب قصص الخيال العملي و بوسترات الافلام ، بين فترة 1950 -1980 .. جو خيالي بامتياز 👽🚬👌🏻#Artists

1 31

Broken like a crooked smile
A little hunched over but I walked that mile
I've woken from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe the things that I have seen
Don't you feel sorry for me
Because I'm right where the universe wants me to be

3 25

ضوضاء الخارج ..جمال الداخل ..
paradoxes Side by Side …

8 34

Mediation means dissolving the invisible walls that unaware has built” – Sadhguru

1 13