

Fate || Inaniis || 25 || 18+ ONLY || COMS CLOSED

フォロー数:237 フォロワー数:132

finished something for once? more likely than you think.
dearly beloved wife doodle for

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doodled his woofer form too

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warm up doodle turned into me redesigning Creed's mid form
def liking this one better than his old one

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Internet is out so apologies for the picture of a drawing LOL
No internet means I have all the time in the world to do art so here’s some doodles I did yesterday of (technically) 3 of my OCs

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big bad zophiel getting some decently official art finally

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Some neat little outfit design for my old man when he’s hidden away in a cottage in the woods covered in snow.
Who needs a coat in negative degree weather?

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Missed drawing my old man’s woofer form
Slapped some color and shading on this messy sketch and I kinda like it a lot more knowing that I would have given up in the middle of lining it OTL

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Share your art below and tag some friends to share theirs as well!

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