Incendiate is going to TXShowdown 🇺🇸🦅さんのプロフィール画像

Incendiate is going to TXShowdown 🇺🇸🦅さんのイラストまとめ

Soul Calibur 6 and Granblue Rising player for @TeamDEUSGaming. Be relentless. 🏳️‍🌈

フォロー数:732 フォロワー数:2008

It’s my birthday! 🎂

Respond with an image of your favorite Soul Calibur moves! Here’s mine drawn by

7 76

Who do you think was the strongest player of 2022 for Soul Calibur VI?


Who was your favorite player to watch this year?

4 51

Top 8 Summer Jam 2022 (so far)

W -

L -
Hibachi (Kilik)

More at 4pm

6 35

For the first time in almost a year I’m gonna have to miss both NLBC and Mighty Mooks this weekend, but it’s to spend time with my Dad on Father’s Day, but I prolly should take a break anyway. I’ll be back next week.

1 23

SCV is so fun Viola is a bad bitch peridot and I’m hella gay for touch of deaths ngl🤷🏾‍♂️🔮

4 32

I won Mighty Mooks it was a lot of fun I played Geralt the whole way until Grand Finals Reset. Really great games sick Raph. 😄(I hope that’s the right Twitter)

4 29

I actually realized the correlation is that both trick their peers to gain an advantage!

Amoongus 🍄-Pretends to be a pokéball to our others.

Xianghua💧 🗡 -Pretends that your mids are highs.

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