

This machine does not know the difference between metal and flesh, nor does it care | He/Him | 29 | Robot Artist | 🔞 | PF: @Reddokkaebe | Cover: @LampDX

フォロー数:624 フォロワー数:3263

I love an androgynous look, but there's a special kind of look that gets me weak at the knees. The steely edge of masculinity that ever so gently cuts through the curves. Exemplified beautiful here by

11 51

💙 I dig this idea for a raffle

0 5

I love this one. I think out of everything I've gotten, this one has the best sense of volume and continuity, of plates and pieces locking together. Looking at this one, you get a sense of what a finely tuned machine he is. By the awesome

4 25

Part of me still can't believe I managed to snag this. I was ridiculously lucky to be in the right place at the right time to get this awesome piece from

10 67

I have a bad habit of giving the same pitch to lots of the artists I approach, but this one has come the closest to nailing the perfect balance between cheeky, teasing and captivating yet cooly confident. By the awesome

8 41

Eastern Dragons and Robots are my TWO things
An old Magitek inspired commission for I'm still quite fond of

6 15