Indiemaria 🌌さんのプロフィール画像

Indiemaria 🌌さんのイラストまとめ

Do not expect any consistency from this user.
Astronomy PhD student, I draw to de-stress, def. not PG safe

フォロー数:215 フォロワー数:13

Deltarune chapter 2 is heeeeeeeeere. Had to honor the occasion. I haven't finished it but I'm already spoiled

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Lately I've been taking screenshots of videos that inspire me to do paintings and then use them as reference. Problem is, I do not remember the video I took this from :D But at least I'm certain is from a Mamamax vid. And 2 colors cause I liked playing around.

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Hee hoo the Radio Demon has risen.
Hee hoo the tentacles look like worms.

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Lil WIP for y'all.
Tentacles. Tentacles everywhere.

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I have been doing this exercise where I draw models postures and then think about a possible character that can fit that posture and style. In this case, Lilith fitted the spot just perfect. The pin I used is

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Hi I gave in my thesis like on Sunday or smt time is not real anymore
Anyways have a smug bastard. He does give knife cat meme energy to me
And well... A mandatory photo edit

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I am not a fan of this ship, but I imagined this situation and well, my hand hath spoketh.
Imagine whatever you like: someone did not pay for Angel’s services? Someone said mean things to the spider? Who knows.

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Anyways just to put something finished, here, have my first attempt at Radio Demon fanart.

I do have an older FB page where I have more stuff. Not so much HH but much finished stuff

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