

Inferno Fiction is an on-line Doctor Who Fiction Fanzine. If you would like to contribute then please email them to: [email protected]

フォロー数:1497 フォロワー数:883 WHERE DEAD MEN SLUMBER
by Colin John
PART ONE: The Doctor, having left his companions, Jamie and Victoria aboard the safety of the TARDIS investigates the deserted outpost Gamma J and finds more than he bargained for...Cybermen!

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issue 18 features the 2nd and final part of 'THREAT OF THE CYBERMEN' by is on line now

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new artwork from for Veil of the Rani by coming soon

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coming soon: THE RALLAX OPERATION by

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fiction by Meg MacDonald 'Like The Goblin Bee' online now!

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fiction by Jack Lawrence 'Later' online now!

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'WHAT PLANET?' by Michael Baxter is now on line with artwork by

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new artwork for part1 of 'Where Dead Men Slumber' in issue five of inferno fiction now on line

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