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It seems Ori has gotten himself into Agamemnus' lair. The amalgam of seduction doesn't let trespassers go without dating them... #struggling #strugglingfanart #strugglinggame #OritheGame #oriandtheblindforest #oriandthewillofthewisps @Chasing_Rats @OriTheGame
I've been playing a lot of Struggling recently, so I drew Achilles and Hector looking badass. #StrugglingGame #struggling #chasingratsgames @Chasing_Rats #strugglingfanart #strugglingachilles #strugglinghector
I drew a Cradily when I had art block. Been playing New Pokemon Snap recently, and snapped some in Maricopia.
#pokemon #PokemonBrilliantDiamond #PokemonSwordShield #PokemonShiningPearl #cradily #ユレイドル #ポケットモンスター #ポケモン #NewPokemonSnap
I've gotten really good at drawing Dapper Bones now! #PuyoPuyo #ぷよぷよ #dapperbones #osharebones #おしゃれコウベ #puyopuyotetris2 #ぷよぷよフィーバー2 #ぷよぷよテトリス2 #puyopuyofever2
I went on a villager hunt recently looking for Sasha, then I stumbled on Shino on my second-to-last ticket. She lives on my island now, and I think she's really cute! #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #どうぶつの森 #shino #よしの #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #あつまれどうぶつの森
I used to ship Raymond from OKKO and Mike from Warioware years ago because they had the same voice actor @robbiedaymond! So I revisited an old classic crack ship of mine! #warioware #okko #okkoletsbeheroes #CartoonNetwork
I accidentally forgot yesterday was Feli's Birthday, so I made art for her! I remember when I made an animation of her celebrating it last year... #フェーリ生誕祭 #フェーリ生誕祭2021 #puyopuyotetris #puyopuyo #ぷよぷよ #feli
"Visions of a forgotten time can relapse with time."
Do you think Sig suffers flashbacks when Possessed Klug draws near him?
#PuyoPuyo #sig #possessedklug #strangeklug #ぷよぷよフィーバー2 #ぷよぷよ #ぷよぷよテトリス2 #puyopuyotetris2 #シグ #あやしいクルーク
I wish I could just be weightless, with not a care in a world, free of strings and stones.
#PuyoPuyo #ぷよぷよ #dapperbones #osharebones #おしゃれコウベ #puyopuyotetris2 #ぷよぷよフィーバー2 #ぷよぷよテトリス2 #puyopuyofever2
Double posting Puyo Puyo art for Halloween, it's also Witch's birthday! #PuyoPuyo #ぷよぷよ #ウィッチ生誕祭 #ウィッチ生誕祭2021 #ユウちゃん #レイくん #yu #rei #ウィッチ #witch #halloween2021 #halloween #dapperbones #osharebones #おしゃれコウベ