

Artist. Writer. Gamer. Foodie. B-Ball Fan. Cat Lover. Habitual Complainer. Blissfully bitter. Opinions are my own. Follow at your own risk.

フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:14

My new icon looks so stupid, that I just had to draw regular Kim doing the same expression.

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I can't look at that new Growlithe without thinking of Brief.

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Waiting to get saved after the Dark Lord took your face like...

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Maple, like the syrup.

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You either love them or hate them(Or love to hate them) but Happy Birthday to the divekick twins, Yun and Yang!

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Aww, he looks so happy-oh...

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Facing his problems the only way he knows how, by punching them.

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To her, every day is an adventure.

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