

🇫🇷/🇺🇸 | 30 | ♀️ || Part time Illustrator | inkdasquimp.tumblr.com || Ex Competitive Splatoon1-2 Player | Roller bitch || Bird nerd

フォロー数:626 フォロワー数:1197

Last traditional art I could've streamed before my old computer died. I remember that stream being very long too... XD

4 34

A silly sketch I still really like for REASONS (that reason being the Shrimp tempura).

4 60

⚠️WARNING ⚠️ I intend to repost some traditional art and I hope you will enjoy it. 👀

67 447

Cresselia but it's a bathtoy

0 4

J'ai essayé de faire une pose sympa

1 1

He tired from getting balls thrown at him all day

0 2

Will make a side quest dungeons stream in 30min. Do not miss these are funny optional moments !

0 3