✨🌟Kate🌟✨ 開花させるものさんのプロフィール画像

✨🌟Kate🌟✨ 開花させるものさんのイラストまとめ

You can call me Kate/ケイト/凱特 but inky works too
成人済み//腐//翻訳者//中・日・ENG OK // 18+ アメリカ人 American illustrator and translator working in Tokyo.
I draw pretty boys

フォロー数:810 フォロワー数:10341

嘘つきの甘さ//Sweetness of a liar

27 57

Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together
I need the other one to hold you
Make you feel, make you feel better ❤️💙

463 1009

some doodles of my good klance boys at for ❤️💙

131 579

For old time's sake💙❤️💙❤️
Happy Valentine's Day everyone

157 546

Arrives late to the nyalix party with incredibly stupid sylvix, dimilix, /and/ netteflix to make up for it

482 1173

Wow, absolutely shocking. Who could've ever guessed these idiots were my three favorites

0 23

a closeup because i like the 'i'll always hate myself more than you ever could' expression i gave him

6 43

I love my bastard husband Sylvain Fire Emblem

374 732

Angsty ferdibert pillow preview is one of the funniest things redbubble has shown me

0 14

You take me in your arms
And suddenly there's sunlight all around me
Everything bright and warm
And shining like it never did before
And for a moment I forget
Just how dark and cold it gets

195 391