

21+ | Personal account | FGO | Type-Moon | 金カム | ゲ謎 | EN/ID/日本語 OK | Art acc: @inf_tea…

フォロー数:507 フォロワー数:1017
# fgo

LB7主従 summoning

105 408

Guardian angels(?)

23 43

Trying out the new Shading Assist feature, I think I won’t do shading from scratch ever again lmao

0 12

This is so nice……..

0 7

Neco-Tez and Eco-Day

22 42

Last minute catalyst lmao

3 12

Since I don’t think I can finish anything in few days, I shall post this now lol
My 2022 art summary! ✌️
Somehow I drew a lot of couples this year…? 😂

4 12

Also the North 3baka + Oz

0 0